Happy Smiles: Creating a Positive Children’s Dentistry Experience

A young boy high-fives a female dentist in a dental exam room

Regular dental checkups are vital to promoting good oral health in growing children, but they can also be a source of significant stress and anxiety. Taking steps to create a positive experience for your child can significantly reduce stress and turn visiting the pediatric dental clinic into something to look forward to.  

Start Early  

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends scheduling your child’s first dental appointment no later than their first birthday. Getting your child acquainted with the dentistoffice early helps them feel comfortable and safe at subsequent appointments.  

Ideally, your child should first visit a children’s dentist before diving into adult dentistry. An experienced pediatric dentist can take steps to help children feel secure in a way an adult-focused dentist can’t.  

Practice Good Dental Hygiene at Home  

Children imitate the behaviors they see at home. Practicing good dental hygiene will help your child understand the importance of taking care of their teeth, which in turn helps them feel more at ease in the dentist’s office.  

If your child refuses to brush, there are steps you can take to make brushing more fun and engaging for them. For example, playing music during regular brushing sessions ensures kids brush for the full two minutes and stay entertained while doing it. You can even create a brushing schedule and reward kids for sticking to it.  

Visit an Experienced Dentist  

One of the main drivers of stress ahead of a pediatric dental appointment is fear of the unknown. Children don’t know what to expect, which causes anxiety. A dentist who has experience working with children knows how to alleviate anxiety and help kids understand why dentistry is important.  

Family Dental Clinic of Blair uses the “tell-show-do" method to help children feel comfortable in the dentist’s office. As the name implies, the tell-show-do method involves telling children what to expect, showing them that there’s nothing to fear from the dentist, and then actually performing dental work on the child’s teeth. 

Contact the Family Dental Clinic of Blair  

Help your children have a positive dental experience by practicing good hygiene at home and visiting a reputable pediatric dentist early.  

If you're looking for a new pediatric dentistry clinic, visit the Family Dental Clinic of Blair. Our team is dedicated to helping children grow without fear of visiting the dentist. We are always accepting new patients, and we would love to work with you and your family. Visit us online or call us at 402-426-3334 to set up an appointment today.   


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