Post-Op Care

Instructions After Oral Surgery:

  • Keep Biting on gauze for at Least an Hour after extraction. If the first round of gauze does not stop bleeding, bite on a fresh piece of gauze for another hour. If bleeding still occurs after two rounds, bite on a wet tea bag, it has natural clotting factors. If active bleeding occurs for 24 hours or more contact our office. 
  • DO NOT Swish, spit or suck through a straw for at least 24 hours. The risk of dry socket is high anywhere between 24-72 hours after the procedure. If you are having excessive pain please contact our office. -- Drink plenty of fluids. Eat a soft diet and avoid hard, sticky foods. No peanuts, popcorn, nuts, or chips for 4 to 6 days to ensure fast healing
  • DO NOT SMOKE for at least 1 week following the surgery. Smoking will delay healing, can cause a dry socket, and provides a much greater risk for complications. 
  • Bone Spurs may work their way to the surface and cause discomfort, please call if it does not work its way out in a week.
  • Brush your teeth gently and away from the extraction site. You may rinse cautiously. -- Infection is rare, but if discomfort continues after the 4th day following surgery; or if you experience a foul taste, fever, or difficulty swallowing, contact our office.
  • To alleviate swelling, apply ice packs on and off in 15-minute intervals and keep your head elevated. Swelling may last 2 to 7 days. Bruising and jaw stiffness may occur as well. After 36 hours, moist heat may help. 
  • Pain management for extractions; Ibuprofen or Tylenol are acceptable for pain management as long as you follow the dosage instructions on the bottle. Be sure not to take Ibuprofen if your primary care physician has advised you not to. 
  • Tissue takes 2-6 weeks to heal after an extraction and bone can take 4 to 6 months to heal after an extraction. 

Instructions After a Filling:

Your numbness will wear off approximately 1 to 3 hours after the procedure; everyone is different.  It is very important not to chew on the numb side.  Not chewing on the numb side will help prevent biting your tongue, lip, and cheek. 

  •  Medication: We recommend that you take a regular dosage of over-the-counter pain reliever; something you would normally take for a headache, etc. This over-the-counter pain reliever will help limit inflammation of the area that was treated, and it will help to limit sensitivity. 
  • Discomfort: It is normal for your gum tissue around the dental treatment area to be sore for a few days.  Your tooth (or teeth) may be sensitive to cold, hot, or pressure after dental treatment. This sensitivity may last a few days to a few months.  The sensitivity should decrease over time.  If the sensitivity gets worse over time, please call our office.
  • Diet: Avoid chewing hard foods such as ice, popcorn kernels etc. for a few days. 
  • Homecare: We recommend brushing your teeth twice a day (morning and night), flossing at least once a day, and using mouth rinse. 
  • Continual Care: We recommend professional dental cleanings every six months, or as individually recommended by your hygienist.

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