Recovering from Oral Surgery: Tips for a Smooth Healing Process

A woman having a dental procedure at the dentist

Oral surgery is a safe and effective means of treating a range of dental problems—from quality-of-life improvements like dental implants to potentially life-saving oral cancer treatments. Just like any other form of surgery, it’s important for patients who undergo oral surgery to take steps to promote good oral health, including following all post-op instructions given by their doctor.  

Dental Patient Resources: Tips for Recovery 

Post-op, oral surgeons provide dental patients with resources designed to teach them about the recovery process. These materials commonly include post-op instructions and guidelines outlining the next steps patients can take to promote a healthy recovery. Dental patient education materials also include several universal recommendations 

Plan to Rest 

Patients should plan to rest after their procedurePatients may be given sedatives that cause drowsiness, so they should not expect to drive themselves home post-op. Strenuous activities like running or heavy lifting should be avoided until recovery is complete.  

Manage Pain 

It’s normal to experience swelling, discomfort, and pain after an operation. For patients experiencing persistent and intense pain, several tried-and-true pain management strategies can helpApplying an ice pack in 15-minute intervals can help reduce swelling and alleviate the most intense pain. Oral surgeons may also recommend taking over-the-counter pain medications like Advil or Tylenol to reduce pain and swelling. 

Eat Soft Foods 

Eating may be difficult in the days following an oral procedure. For the first two days, patients should only eat soft foods, such as: 

  • Mashed potatoes 

  • Soup 

  • Chowder 

  • Scrambled eggs 

  • Mac and cheese 

  • Yogurt 

  • Applesauce  

Patients should avoid eating hard and crunchy foods, such as 

  • Potato chips 

  • Toffee 

  • Candy 

  • Pretzels 

  • Nuts  

What to Avoid 

The specifics of what patients should avoid after oral surgery vary based on the procedure and the surgeon. In general, patients should avoid using straws, smoking, and drinking alcohol during recovery because these activities can disrupt the healing process. Additionally, heat should not be applied to the face, as it increases swellingexacerbating pain and slowing recovery.  

Monitor Symptoms 

As you recover, you should keep an eye out for any concerning symptoms that require a trip back to the dentist or immediate medical attention. Concerning symptoms include: 

  • Fever 

  • Pus 

  • Severe swelling  

  • Persistent bleeding 

  • Trouble swallowing or breathing  

Rely On a Dental Team You Can Trust 

Dental surgery can be stressful, but rest assured that you’re in good hands when you visit the Family Dental Center of Blair. We’re dedicated to providing the highest-quality service possible while keeping you comfortable and relaxed. 

Get in touch today to find out more or schedule an appointment! 


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