Why Choose Us?

Here at Family Dental Center of Blair it is our team's goal to change your perception on what it means to go to the dentist.  We do this by offering a judgement-free and patient-friendly environment.  We use a variety of techniques and visuals to further explain why treatment is needed and what to expect throughout any/all procedures.  Whether you are coming in for treatment or your routine hygiene appointment, we strive to give you and your family an experience that will make you comfortable while on your journey to reach your oral healthcare goals.

Part of what drove me to dentistry was all the poor experiences I had at the dentist office when I was a kid. It probably didn't help that I ate a lot of candy and didn't brush very well so I always had cavities. Even as an adult, I still deal with dental anxiety when I get my teeth cleaned and have x-rays taken. I sympathize with our anxious patients and I understand how big of a barrier it can be to even step into a dental office.  

I am especially aware of this with the kids we take care of. My goal is to create an environment where all the kids in our community can receive excellent oral healthcare and be comfortable coming in for each visit. It is my goal for each of them to become great adult patients and have a lifetime of great oral health. Nothing makes our team happier than when a parent says their child “isn't scared to come to the dentist anymore!” An example of how we work with children is using a “tell-show-do” method to explain each step of their appointment. CLICK HERE

Please take a look around our website to learn more about our office. Visit our appointment request page or give us a call at 531-910-7980 to schedule an appointment today!

Dr. Brock Lewis DDS

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